Intellectual property rightsThe intellectual property rights relating to the Website (http://www.htcinternational.nl), including texts, images, design, style, data files, photos, videos and other (still and / or moving) images, audio material, formats, software, brands (including domain names) and other materials are owned by HTC International. The Website is for your personal, non-commercial use disposal. This means that all other use is permitted without obtaining prior written permission from the publisher (HTC International). It is also not permitted to copy this site or its elements without explicit permission from the publisher of the Website.
Article 1
This disclaimer shall apply:
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Article 2
The following applies to the web. By using the website you agree to this disclaimer.
Article 3
The editor endeavours for the content of the Web to regularly update and / or supplement. Despite this care and attention it is possible that the content is incomplete and / or incorrect.
Article 4
The editor provides the contents of the website in the state where it actually is, without warranty or guarantee as to the suitability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise.
Article 5
The publisher is not liable for damage or threat of injury and arising from or in any way related to the use of the website or the inability to consult the web page.
Article 6
The publisher intended not to use its discretion and at any given moment (to) modify or terminate, with or without prior notice. The publisher is not liable for the consequences of change or termination.
Article 7
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Article 8
Unauthorized or improper use of the website or its content may be an infringement of intellectual property rights, privacy, publication and / or communication in the broadest sense of the word. You are responsible for everything you send from the web.
Article 9
The publisher reserves the right to deny you permission to use the web page and / or certain services on the web page, use. Following that, the publisher access to the website.
Article 10
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